Divided by Resistance as part of ‘Totally Wired’, ICA, London.
Photo by Bonnie Venture.
Photo by Bonnie Venture.
Divided by Resistance
Divided by Resistance is a durational performance installation by Bruce Gilchrist & Jonny Bradley, which was presented as part of Totally Wired curated by Lois Keidan at the ICA, London, 1996. Supported by an ICA/Toshiba Art & Innovation Commission (1st prize) with additional support for the ‘seat of consciousness’ by Juggernaut.
Divided by Resistance utilised a relational database to poetically retrieve and remix records in the manner of a search engine. The multi-media archive consisted of electroencephalograph (EEG) recordings, QuickTime movies and text narratives based on recollections from REM sleep collected by the artist in his studio over a year, 1995-1996. Members of the audience at the ICA were invited to participate via a specially constructed communication conduit.
“[...] Although developed from a research context that is generated by sophisticated scientific concepts, Gilchrist’s performances also function on another, less immediately apparent level which is dependent upon establishing a sensitive physical dialogue between artist and individual audience member.” 1
1 Subtle Bodies: The Work of Bruce Gilchrist in ‘Low Tide: Writings on Artists’ Collaborations’ by Jeni Walwin. Published by Black Dog Publishing, 1997.